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This section presents the dataloader object in details. The available dataloaders are the following:

We aim to include in the future more dataloaders for various sports and betting markets:

  • Basketball
  • NFL
  • Hockey


A dataloader is initialized with the parameter param_grid that selects the training data to extract. Indirectly this parameter also affects the extracted fixtures data since dataloaders ensure that these two are in correspondence i.e. input and odds matrices of training and fixtures data have the same columns.

Available parameters

The available parameters and their values are provided from the class method get_all_params:

from sportsbet.datasets import DummySoccerDataLoader
assert DummySoccerDataLoader.get_all_params() == [
    {'division': 1, 'year': 1998},
    {'division': 1, 'league': 'France', 'year': 2000},
    {'division': 1, 'league': 'France', 'year': 2001},
    {'division': 1, 'league': 'Greece', 'year': 2017},
    {'division': 1, 'league': 'Greece', 'year': 2019},
    {'division': 1, 'league': 'Spain', 'year': 1997},
    {'division': 2, 'league': 'England', 'year': 1997},
    {'division': 2, 'league': 'Spain', 'year': 1999},
    {'division': 3, 'league': 'England', 'year': 1998}

Similarly, for SoccerDataLoader:

from sportsbet.datasets import SoccerDataLoader
assert SoccerDataLoader.get_all_params() == [
    {'division': 1, 'league': 'Argentina', 'year': 2018},
    {'division': 1, 'league': 'Argentina', 'year': 2019},
    {'division': 1, 'league': 'Argentina', 'year': 2020},
    {'division': 5,  'league': 'England', 'year': 2022},
    {'division': 5, 'league': 'England', 'year': 2023},
    {'division': 5, 'league': 'England', 'year': 2024}

Selection of parameters

The parameter param_grid has the same usage as the initialization parameter of scikit-learn's ParameterGrid. The default value of param_grid is None and corresponds to the selection of all training data i.e. all leagues, years and divisions. If param_grid is provided, then it should be a list of dictionaries with the above keys and values as lists.

For example, if we use the SoccerDataLoader and include data for the Spanish and Italian leagues of first division and 2018-2020 years, as well as data for the French league of all divisions for 2020-2021 years, we will use the following param_grid and dataloader:

from sportsbet.datasets import SoccerDataLoader
param_grid = [
    {'division': [1], 'league': ['Spain', 'Italy'], 'year': [2018, 2019, 2020]},
    {'league': ['France'], 'year': [2020, 2021]} 
dataloader = SoccerDataLoader(param_grid=param_grid)

Once the dataloader is initialized, the training and fixtures data can be extracted.

Training data

The training data is a tuple of the input matrix X_train, the multi-output targets Y_train and the odds' matrix O_train. You can extract the training data using the method extract_train_data that accepts the parameters drop_na_thres and odds_type. Both parameters are important, therefore we discuss briefly their usage. We will use the following dataloader as an example:

from sportsbet.datasets import SoccerDataLoader
param_grid = [
    {'division': [1], 'league': ['Greece'], 'year': [2019, 2020]}
dataloader = SoccerDataLoader(param_grid=param_grid)
  • Parameter drop_na_thres adjusts the threshold of a column with missing values to be removed from the input matrix X_train. It takes values in the range [0.0, 1.0]. This parameter is included for convenience since historical data often come with columns that have many missing values, therefore their presence does not enhance the predictive power of models.

    If we set drop_na_thres=0 then all columns are kept:

    X_train, *_ = dataloader.extract_train_data()
    assert len(X_train.columns) == 39

    Similarly, if we set drop_na_thres=1.0 then only columns with non-missing values are kept:

    X_train, *_ = dataloader.extract_train_data(drop_na_thres=1.0)
    assert len(X_train.columns) == 5
  • Parameter odds_type selects the type of odds that will be used for the odds' matrix O_train. It also affects the columns of the multi-output targets Y_train since there is a match between Y_train and O_train columns as explained below. You can get the available odds types from the method get_odds_types:

    assert dataloader.get_odds_types() == ['market_average', 'market_maximum']

    When odds_type is not provided, its default value is None and O_train is None:

    *_, O_train, = dataloader.extract_train_data(drop_na_thres=0.5)
    assert O_train is None

    Selecting one of the above odds types, returns the corresponding data:

    X_train, _, O_train, = dataloader.extract_train_data(drop_na_thres=0.5, odds_type='market_average')
    assert O_train.columns.tolist() == [

    Notice that odds_type parameter affects only the odds matrix. The input matrix X_train still contains information from all available odds types:

    assert [col for col in X_train.columns if col.startswith('odds')] == [

    This is because we use O_train for backtesting when bets are placed against a specific bookmaker, but the information from other bookmakers may still be useful for the predictive model, thus they are included in X_train.

Fixtures data

Once the training data are extracted, it is straightforward to extract the corresponding fixtures data using the method extract_fixtures_data:

from sportsbet.datasets import SoccerDataLoader
param_grid = [
    {'division': [1], 'league': ['Spain', 'Italy'], 'year': [2018, 2019, 2020]},
dataloader = SoccerDataLoader(param_grid=param_grid)
X_train, Y_train, O_train = dataloader.extract_train_data(odds_type='market_average')
X_fix, Y_fix, O_fix = dataloader.extract_fixtures_data()

The method accepts no parameters and the extracted fixtures input and odds matrices have the same columns as the latest extracted input and odds matrices for the training data:

assert X_train.columns.tolist() == X_fix.columns.tolist()
assert O_train.columns.tolist() == O_fix.columns.tolist()

Since we are extracting the fixtures data, there is no target matrix:

assert Y_fix is None

Description of data

As we have seen above, the extracted data are the following:

  • Training: (X_train, Y_train, O_train)
  • Fixtures: (X_fix, None, O_fix)

As an example we use the following data:

from sportsbet.datasets import SoccerDataLoader
param_grid = {'league': ['England'], 'year': [2021]}
dataloader = SoccerDataLoader(param_grid=param_grid)
X_train, Y_train, O_train = dataloader.extract_train_data(odds_type='market_maximum')
X_fix, Y_fix, O_fix = dataloader.extract_fixtures_data()

A detailed description of the above tuples of data is provided below.


X_train is the first component of the training data tuple. X_train is a pandas DataFrame that contains information known before the start of the betting event like the date, the names of the opponents, features related to the past performance of the opponents and any other information useful for predictive modelling:

assert X_train.columns.tolist() == [

It may also include odds data as shown above. The index of X_train is a pandas DatetimeIndex and the data are always sorted by date:

assert X_train.index.tolist() == [
    Timestamp('2020-09-11 00:00:00'),
    Timestamp('2020-09-12 00:00:00'),
    Timestamp('2021-05-23 00:00:00'),
    Timestamp('2021-05-23 00:00:00')


Y_train is the second component of the training data tuple:

assert Y_train.columns.tolist() == [

Y_train is a pandas DataFrame that contains information known after the end of the betting event like goals or points scored, fouls committed etc. Column names follow a naming convention of the form f'output__{betting_market}__{target}':

  • betting_market: Any supported betting market like home win, over 2.5, draw, home points etc.
  • target: The outcome that was used to extract the targets like 'full_time_goals', 'half_time_goals', 'full_time_points' etc.

The entries of Y_train show whether an outcome of a betting event is True or False. In order to make the data suitable for modelling, Y_train does not contain any missing values i.e. rows of raw data that contain any missing values are removed. This last step also includes X_train and O_train: Their corresponding rows are removed to match Y_train.


O_train is the last component of the training data tuple:

assert O_train.columns.tolist() == [

O_train is a pandas DataFrame that contains information related to the odds for various betting markets. Column names follow a naming convention of the form f'odds__{bookmaker}__{betting_market}__{target}':

  • bookmaker: Any supported bookmaker or aggregation of bookmakers return by the method get_odds_types.
  • betting_market: Similar to Y_train.
  • target: Similar to Y_train.

The entries of O_train are the odd values of betting events and, depending on the data source, it may contain missing values. Y_train and O_train columns match, i.e. Y_train and O_train have the same shape and f'output__{betting_market}__{target}' column of Y_train is at the same position as the f'odds__{bookmaker}__{betting_market}__{target}' column of O_train. The correspondence is clear in the examples above.


X_fix is the first component of the fixtures data tuple. It is a pandas DataFrame that contains information known before the start of the betting event. The features of X_fix are identical to the features of X_train:

assert X_train.columns.tolist() == X_fix.columns.tolist()

X_fix is not affected by the initialization parameter param_grid of the dataloader i.e. it contains the latest fixtures for every league, division or any other parameter, even if they are not included in the training data.


Y_fix is always equal to None since the output of betting events for fixtures data is not known:

assert Y_fix is None


O_fix is the last component of the fixtures data tuple. It is a pandas DataFrame that contains information related to the odds for various betting markets. The features of O_fix are identical to the features of O_train:

assert O_train.columns.tolist() == O_fix.columns.tolist()