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This section presents the bettor object in details. The available bettors are the following:


Every bettor has its own initialization parameters. For example, the provided bettor ClassifierBettor is initialized with the parameter classifier, that defines the scikit-learn classifier to predict the probabilities of betting events.

Betting strategy

The essence of any betting strategy is to identify the value bets i.e. betting events where the bookmaker underestimates the probability of the event. Of course, the true probability of the betting event is unknown, thus the comparison is between the estimated probability of the bettor and the bookmaker: A bet is identified as 'value bet' when the bettor estimates a higher probability for the betting event compared to the estimated probability of the bookmaker as derived from the odds.


The creation and evaluation of betting strategies is made via the bettor objects. Specifically, bettors implement the following public methods:

  • fit that fits the model to any input data X and multi-ouput targets Y.
  • predict that predicts the class labels of betting events.
  • predict_proba that predicts the class probabilities of betting events.
  • backtest that calculates various backtesting statistics.
  • bet that returns the value bets.

All the above methods are based on the implementation of the private methods _fit and _predict_proba. This provides a flexibility on the type of betting models that can be defined. The _fit method allows learning from historical data. If the betting model does not need it, for example an arbitrage bettor, then it can be omitted. The _predict_proba method predicts the class probabilities of betting events. Again if the model identifies value bets in a way that is not based on class probabilities then the implementation of _predict_proba can be trivial i.e. set the output to 1.0 for value bets and 0.0 otherwise.

For the rest of the [Bettors] section we use a classifier-based bettor that selects scikit-learn's dummy classifier:

from sklearn.dummy import DummyClassifier
from sportsbet.evaluation import ClassifierBettor
bettor = ClassifierBettor(classifier=DummyClassifier())

We also use dummy training and fixtures data:

from sportsbet.datasets import DummySoccerDataLoader
dataloader = DummySoccerDataLoader()
X_train, Y_train, O_train = dataloader.extract_train_data(odds_type='interwetten')
X_fix, Y_fix, O_fix = dataloader.extract_fixtures_data()

Model fit

The bettor is fitted to the training data (X_train, Y_train) via the fit method. This fitting procedure does not necessarily require machine learning models but more generally means that the bettor extracts information from (X_train, Y_train) that will be used when predictions are made. Fitting the model is very simple:, Y_train)

Class labels prediction

Once the model is fitted, predicting class labels is straightforward:

assert bettor.predict(X_fix).tolist()  == [
    [False, False, False], 
    [False, False, False]

In order to understand the above predictions we extract the number of rows of the fixtures input matrix:

n_rows, _ = X_fix.shape
assert n_rows == 2

We have two betting events. Similarly, we extract the output columns of the training data:

assert Y_train.columns.tolist() == [

Each betting event includes three betting markets:

  • home_win
  • draw
  • away win

Therefore, the predictions have the correct shape. Nevertheless, predicting the class labels is not useful since the value bets should be based not directly on them but on the comparison of predicted probabilities to the O_fix matrix.

Class probabilities predictions

Predicting positive class probabilities is also simple:

assert bettor.predict_proba(X_fix).tolist() == [
    [0.375, 0.25, 0.375],
    [0.375, 0.25, 0.375]

Their interpretation is similar to the one in the previous section.


Backtesting the bettor's strategy requires the training data tuple (X_train, Y_train, O_train) to be used:

from sportsbet.evaluation import backtest
backtesting_results = backtest(bettor, X_train, Y_train, O_train)

The backtesting results include information of the various training/testing periods and metrics:

assert backtesting_results.index.names == [
    'Training start',
    'Training end',
    'Testing start',
    'Testing end'
assert backtesting_results.columns.tolist() == [
    'Number of betting days',
    'Number of bets',
    'Yield percentage per bet',
    'ROI percentage',
    'Final cash',
    'Number of bets (home_win__full_time_goals)',
    'Number of bets (draw__full_time_goals)',
    'Number of bets (away_win__full_time_goals)',
    'Yield percentage per bet (home_win__full_time_goals)',
    'Yield percentage per bet (draw__full_time_goals)',
    'Yield percentage per bet (away_win__full_time_goals)'

Value bets prediction

Similarly, the fitted bettor can be used to predict the value bets. We can combine these predictions with X_fix:

import pandas as pd
value_bets = pd.concat(
        X_fix.reset_index()[['date', 'home_team', 'away_team']],
        pd.DataFrame(, O_fix), columns=[col.split('__')[2] for col in O_fix.columns])
    ], axis=1
assert value_bets.columns.tolist() == ['home_team', 'away_team', 'home_win', 'draw', 'away_win']
assert value_bets.values.tolist() == [
    ['Barcelona', 'Real Madrid', True, False, False],
    ['Monaco', 'PSG', False, False, False]